Sunday, May 3, 2015

Last days of the trip..!

Bringing hopes for lasting peace to Kikar Rabin (Tel Aviv) 

Gathereing to say goodbye to Nitai, our guard/medic

Baking in Afula

This morning we left the Kibbutz Deganya and we went to Afula and volunteered with children with a difficult background. For example, some could have been abused or raised in a bad family. We made Challah with some of the kids, played soccer or went on a tour. I took the tour and I got to see the children's bedrooms and other places. At the center, they teach the children how to play instruments, art classes, they have a mini zoo with dogs, iguanas, hamsters, and more. It was a very emotional experience for me. Then we were off to Tel Aviv to go to a market and have lunch. On the way to the market Aviva and I played a hand game called Tennis, a slapping game, and I won!!! And then we arrived at Aviva's relatives’ house where we are spending Shabbat. 
-Julia (May 1) 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Candles from Tzfat, and Candles for Birthday Cake

Shalom, today we began the day at 12 am with my surprise birthday celebration! We had ice cream and then went back to bed. The morning schedule started with rafting on The Moon Platoon (our raft name) that led to my friend David continuously losing control of our paddle and whacking Julia and my other friend Alyssa in the head so many times I lost count. We crashed through many trees with thorns. Next we saw a water fall (Banyas). After, we went to Tzfat, one of the “four holy cities” in Israel, where we visited the candle factory and a glass blower by the name of Sheva Chaya where we got to see her beautiful artwork. We learned about the Kabbalah and where Kabbalat Shabbat comes from. Finally we came back and had yet another birthday surprise!
That's all for now folks xoxo-Sophia/freight train
P.s Happy birthday to Rebecca Raush back home!

Touring Tsfat 

Banyas Waterfall 

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Rabbi Michah Liben is the Director of Jewish Life and Learning at Kellman Brown Academy.